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An Algorithm for Intelligent Home Energy Management and Demand Response Analysis

May 14, 2012

Authors: Manisa Pipattanasomporn, Mural Kuzlu, Saifur Rahman

JournalIEEE Transaction on Smart Grid, vol. 3 no. 4, December 2012


Abstract: A home energy management (HEM) system is an in-tegral part of a smart grid that can potentially enable demand re-sponse applications for residential customers. This paper presentsan intelligent HEM algorithm for managing high power consump-tion household appliances with simulation for demand response(DR) analysis. The proposed algorithm manages household loadsaccording to their preset priority and guarantees the total house-hold power consumption below certain levels. A simulation tool isdeveloped to showcase the applicability of the proposed algorithmin performing DR at an appliance level. This paper demonstratesthat the tool can be used to analyze DR potentials for residentialcustomers. Given the lack of understanding about DR potentialsin this market, this work serves as an essential stepping-stone to-ward providing an insight into how much DR can be performedfor residential customers

