
The main objective of this work was to explore the feasibility of and provide guidelines for the development of microgrids in campus-type facilities. The work was divided into two phases:

  • Phase I: Develop a microgrid simulation tool
  • Phase II: Develop a real-world case study for microgrid feasibility analysis and guideline development based on the information from Ft. Bragg, North Carolina.

The objective of the first phase was to develop a microgrid simulation test bench at Virginia Tech. The developed simulation tool included both DER and load models, as well as demand response algorithms. The simulation tool can be used for planning and evaluation of microgrid deployment and is capable of estimating the benefits of deploying a microgrid in campus-type facilities. The objective of the second phase was to identify a set of technical and operational criteria for developing a microgrid on a military base, including the introduction of renewable energy sources. These criteria were applied to quantify reliability benefits of a microgrid hosting energy efficient equipment along with renewable energy sources.


The project was sponsored by US Dept of Defense SERDP-ESTCP under Grant EW-1710

Final Report

Feasibility and Guidelines for the Development of Microgrids in Campus-Type Facilities